Video Blogging in the Digital Era for Learning English Speaking

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English is international language in the world for intercultural communication. English has an important role in many sectors, there are in education, economic, computer, banking, engineering, business, pharmacy, social, politic, tourism, etc. Therefore,  mastering English is a must to compete with other Asean based on Asean Economic Community 2017. Hence, English is important for all people to get a job. Hence, people must learn English earlier to increase their knowledge and to compete with other Asean.
According to the National Education System Law No.20 of 2003, learning is the process of interaction of students with educators and learning resources in a learning environment. Learning as a process that is built by teachers to develop creative thinking that can improve student’s thinking skills. Beside, learning can improve the ability to construct new knowledge as an effort to improve subject matter. Therefore, learning English is a process of interaction of students and educators to develop about English skill.
When students learn a language, there are four skills that they need for complete communication. There are four language skills in English, are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Listening and reading skills called as reception skills, speaking and writing skills called as production skills. (Anwar, 2016) The four components skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing called as macro skills. Beside, to master English, students not only master macro skills but also students must master micro skills. Micro skills consist of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling.
The importance skill in English is Speaking. speaking included all other skills of knowing that language. It is very important skill since people learn a language in order to communicate with the environment. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning which is comprised of producing and receiving information. (Brown, 2000: 267) the most difficult aspect of spoken English is accomplished via interaction with at least one other speaker. This is one reasons why many students were shocked and disappointed when we used foreign language for the first time in real interaction. (Murcia, 2001: 103)
Some problems in speaking faced by students are many students feel difficult when speak English. It was found from the students’ average score for speaking 50.15 was still below 75 as the passing grade. (Purwatiningsih, 2015) Beside, many students feel difficult begin monologue and dialog with others. Students should use language to communicate and giving response in a discussion. But, they are still reluctant to ask question during discussion and are difficult to build an effective question. (Manurung, 2015)
Wahyuni & Yulianti (2017) added that students were unable to say word perfectly in English. As a student in the university, they must be able to develop  students’ speaking skill since they have learned English from the elementary school. On the other hand, the errors are made by the students in pronunciation, grammatical accuracy, vocabulary, fluency, and interactive communication (Pradana, 2017). Speaking’ skill also can be affected by the instruction of teacher and the way when the teacher teach the students.
The characteristic of Millennial generation are concern the media, as stated by Pralong in (Latif & Demir, 2014) explained his views as follows: both of Y and X generations, there is no generational difference between the attitudes of people in the workplace, have the same expectations for their firms and careers, addiction to the technology, internet, and social network. (Latif & Demir, 2014)
Another problem which was faced by students to increase their speaking’ ability, according to (Mudra, 2016) the lecturer does not act as role model for the students. From the background of the  study above, it can be concluded that most of the students’ problem in speaking are lack of vocabularies, confidences, and teachers’ way to teach. If the problem is not resolved, it can inhibit speaking’ ability of students. One of the things that affects students’ interest in learning process is learning media. Muhson (2010) said that learning media is an instrument used for information processing, to transfer and receive the information. One of the media which is suitable to face the problem above is social media.
In a study on the importance of Social Networking Sites (SNS), Rasiah (2014) concluded that SNS could be used as educational platforms with a significant potential capacity to promote critical thinking among students. Rasiah (2014) claims that social networking sites have the ability to transform students from being passive learners to becoming active and intentional learners, which is indeed the very tenet of student-centered learning.
In this era, Vlog is a more suitable media for the students’ needs in the digital based era. Vlog are personal records in the form of videos that are updated and distributed in general. The appearance of the Vlog is after the camera and internet appear. The first time Vlog activity came after Adam Kontras posted a video with bis blog entry then many people imitate to make a video blog. In 2005, people who make a vlog increase. That cause YouTube arise in 2005 by three former PayPal employees, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim, YouTube became one of the first social websites, which allowed users to upload video clips to the web. (Sanne de Boer, 2015)
The development of Vlog has indeed experienced significant development. Since the emergence of YouTube, Vlog start popular in many countries. But in Indonesia, the development of Vlog just start from 2012 until 2014. After 2014, Indonesian Vlogger began to emerge many popular Vlog.
Rakhmanina & Kusumaningrum (2017) argue that the use of Vlogs plays an           important role in developing interactions among students and between teachers and students in the target language. Vlog is one of the effective learning media. It is a potential learning tool which becomes a worthy topic for research. Blogs, Wikis, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter nowadays are usable as a learning tool to connect students,   and students closer, propagate university culture. (Moghavvemi, Sulaiman, Jaafar, & Kasem, 2018)
Therefore, in learning English process, the teacher should has a creative way to develop students’ skill in English speaking. Teacher must find a media that suitable with the characters of student’s millennial. The emergence of vlog is one of the creative media that are used to incorporate aspects of technological progress with learning process.
From the various problem above, the study wants to investigate video blogging as learning English speaking. The utilization of Vlog in learning English speaking can enhance motivation in learning English, increase students’ confidence and help students to develop their English skill.
In this study, the researcher focus on the how is the implementation of vlog and what are the effectiveness utilize vlog in the digital era for learning English.

A.    Method
This study employed two techniques of collecting data, documentation : Video Blog of Students, and Interview conducted to the student to know the description learning process of media.  The researcher use three technique of analyzing the data, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion of the data. The researcher make an analysis of the student’s response, carry out of the student’s vlog and their learning experiences.

B.     Discussion and Findings
The discussion will bring the reader to comprehend the concept of vlog and practical view to implement it in the class. The more information related to it will be elaborated as follows:
1.      Speaking
Speaking as one of the language skills becomes important topics to discuss in language teaching. The discussion topics can be related to the instructional techniques, the instructional materials, the instructional media, the language teachers, the language learners, and even the speaking components (Manurung, 2015). Burn and Joyce (1997:32) state that speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information. Brown (2004:140) defines speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed.
Speaking is the single most important aspect of learning second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language. Moreover, leaming to speak requires more than knowing its grammatical and semantic rules. Learners are also required to have the knowledge of how native speakers use the language in the context of structured interpersonal exchange. In other words, the learner must be able to speak the target language fluently and appropriately.
Speaking is a process of interactive in constructing meaning which involves producing, receiving, and processing information. Speaking requires demand the learners not only know about how to produce specific points of language as like linguistic competence, such as grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary, but also they can understand in what ways to produce language.  (Nunan, 1999 : 216)
2.      Technology Enhanced Language Learning
Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) has been established by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education to provide a platform into the use of technology in a second and foreign language teaching and learning. Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) is the study of application of the technology in language teaching and learning. The aim of TELL is to find ways for using technology for supporting teaching and learning foreign language. (Golshan & Tafazoli, 2014)
Technology enhanced language learning (TELL) deals with the impact of technology on teaching and learning a foreign language. Technology enhanced language learning refers to the use of the computer as a technological innovation to display multimedia as means of complementing teaching method language teacher. TELL is an approach that can be used to help in teaching
3.      Vlog
Vlog defines as the video component that provide a series of online broadcast which is allowing everyone to create and post content (Maulidah, 2018). Vlog considers as video collection that serve both as an audiovisual life documentary and as a vehicle for communication (Asadi, 2005).
In addition, Yu Chih (2009) define vlog as a site in which authors post stories or information about certain topic in the form of video. The most famous online video hosting site is Students are really familiar with it.

1.      Vlogging Stages
Yu Cih (2009) claims that there are several stages in Vlogging activity which is found in this research. Every stage has certain list of activity.
1)      Conceptualizing
The first stage is conceptualizing. It is involve in making plan of vlog. The most difficult things faced by students is when they tried to decide a certain topic. In the research, there are three activity in conceptualizing, there are planning what to say and how to say it, coming up with an appropiate video topic, and listening to other vlogs for finding an ideas.
2)      Brainstorming
In brainstorming stage, students create the concept of vlog about what they want to say in the video. They make a script and translate it to the target language (English).
The activity in brainstorming are outlining main and supporting ideas, translating from source language to the target language, writing script before recording
3)      Articulation
Articulation as action in which students do rehearsal before starting  to shoot the video. It is possible to make editing for the video before uploading. Students start to express their creativity through insert the picture, song, words, and any others that can make the video interesting.
The activity in articulation are rehearsing before recording and recording video and upload after checking the video.
4)      Monitoring
Monitoring seemingly done together with articulation. Before uploading video, students need to check the content of the video. After checking the video, students ready to upload the video.
The activity in monitoring are listening the recorded file before uploading, monitoring vlog entries in terms of content and language usage.
5)      Evaluating
In this stage, the students do self correction to their project or video. They may ask their friends to give an opinion about it.
The activity in evaluating are evaluating vlog content and language usage.

2.      The Effectiveness of Using Vlog 
a.      Vlog can enhance motivation in the learning process
In short, media help teacher to motivate the students by share their activity and feeling in the real situation in the class by presenting language in communicative context. Media can help students give some information about transferring knowledge from the teacher. (Murcia, 2001)
“vlog, learning media that make me feel confident. Although I’m not students from English Department, the task of Vlogging from my lecture make me have high enthusiastic in learning English. The lecture began to utilize industrial technology 4.0 where integrating technology in the learning English.” (Ridwan, Students of Ushuludin and Da’wah Faculty)
As stated by Ridwan, it shows that media can influence the teaching learning process. It means vlog can increase student motivation in learning English, especially speaking. Similar answer with Siska Wahyuni, student from Ushuludin and Da’wah Faculty, stated that after making a vlog, make her feel interest in learning English and motivate her to speak English.
b.      Vlog help students to develop English Speaking skill
Teacher use vlog to enhance students skill in English. a creative teacher can find new ways to use media in the learning process. making a good vlog, needed integrate the macro and micro skills. Especially in speaking, listening skill or English conversation class and writing a script about vlog, developing vocabulary, and reading example about how to make a good vlog
“I ever make a vlog about broadcasting. Especially about the Radio. we are students from the Islamic Broadcasting Communication department, so my lecture give us theme to make a vlog about radio. I like this media because it very effective and interest in the learning English. Why effective and interest? Because by making a vlog, it can develop my vocabulary, make me practice about listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills. Before my lecture give me a task to make a vlog, She give us instruction in English. We must listen the instruction carefully. After that, we are going to make a vlog to develop my speaking and vocabulary.” Tsabikha Fil Qisthi, students of Ushuludin and Da’wah Faculty IAIN Surakarta.
From the statement above, it can be seen that Vlog can help students in learning English. The statement same with another students from Sharia Accounting IAIN Surakarta. Ajeng said that using vlog can make her listening skill develop, because she always watches English vlog before start to make a new Vlog for a task. Beside, Rahmad add that through Vlog, students learn more about English, not only in speaking but also in listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, and writing. Therefore, making a vlog is an effective media in learning English.
c.       Students More Confident
Students more confident after making a vlog. It can be proved from the statement of students from Sharia Faculty who have a task about make a vlog .
“when my lecture give a task for us about make an English vlog, first, I feel make a vlog is difficult. Why? Because I’m from Sharia Accounting Department which have not basic in English. My lecture tell us that he will publish the top ten best  English vlog in his YouTube channel. My lecture ask us to make a vlog about tourism. So, to get a good score we have to compete in making vlog. Through make a vlog, it make us learn about confident. Why? because we must describe tourism object in the public place, brave speak up in the public place, moreover in the tourist attraction. When my friend took my video, I feel shy because all of eyes staring at me, but I must be brave and I can solve it well, before I took a video, I must prepare to develop my vocabulary, make an outline in order to became a good Vlog,” said Sela Maghribi, student of Accounting Sharia Department
From the statement above, it can be conclude that utilizing vlog in learning English speaking can increase self-confidence’ students. Same case with Dinda, she said that Vlog increase interest in speaking and confidence in general.
C.    Conclusion
In the learning process, the role of media is very important, because it can affect students motivation and understanding in accepting lesson. Based on the industrial revolution 4.0, the learning process integrated with technology. Here, utilizing vlog in the learning English Speaking have many positive effects. The finding shows that vlog is an effective media in learning English, there are can enhance motivation in the learning process, vlog can help students to develop English skills and make students confident. Not only confident in speaking English, but also in daily activity. 

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Adinda Nur Fatimah Supriyanti interviewed on December 4, 2018
Ajeng Putri interviewed on August 12, 2018
Muhammad Ridwan Syahroi interviewed on December 4, 2018
Rahmad Mudhakir terviewed on Nopember 28, 2018
Sela Maghribi Nur Hidayah interviewed on June 12, 2018
Sabikha fil Qisthi interviewed on December 3, 2018
Siska Wahyuni interviewed on December 4, 2018

NB : Tulisan ini dimuat dalam Buku Bunga Rampai Mahasiswa Bidikmisi angkatan 2015

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